This new series expands upon Ganesh's recent show at Contemporary Calgary titled Astral Dance, the artist's first solo exhibition in Canada. Like these monotypes, her new exhibition features Ganesh's unique multimedia works - drawings, paintings, photography, and collage - which explore the relationship between the dream world and the lived world through a critical feminist lens. Depictions of the female form, often a reclining woman set against otherworldly backgrounds, recur in both Astral Dance and these new monotypes. In fact, the focal point of Ganesh's wall mural - similarly titled Wolf Watcher's Dream - features the same drawing of a woman that serves to recall and challenge the patriarchal structure of both art history and mythology. Ganesh continues to probe traditional culture through her repeated imagery, transplanting the same forms into new worlds and new perspectives.
The Wolf Watcher's Dream is printed on Lana Royale Cream 250gsm and measures 20 3/4 x 16 1/4 inches. These artworks, well as many other projects with Chitra Ganesh, are available directly through Durham Press. For more information, please contact us at sales@durhampress.com.
Chitra Ganesh | The Wolf Watcher's Dream Monoprints